June 7, 2018
Nathan, Tani, and Auk are back together and rolling on. This episode digs into some geek-ish discussion about the usual - tires, bikes, etc and then the guys are joined by guest, Sandra. Sandra and Nathan were out racing at the Big Mountain Enduro in Sante Fe, New Mexico. She shares her experience, thoughts, and definitely inspires people to just get out there and push yourself - she just has a great perspective on the entire weekend. Nathan also shares some thoughts about some things he used during the weekend.
The Path guys welcome all of your questions and encourage you to send them an email with the subject "Podcast Question" to podcast@thepathbikeshop.com.
Big Mountain Enduro: http://www.bigmountainenduro.com/
Dee Tidwell's Enduro MTB Training: http://enduromtbtraining.com/experience
Transition Sentinel: https://www.transitionbikes.com/bikes_sentinel.cfm
MRP Ribbon Coil: https://www.mrpbike.com/ribbon-coil/
MRP Ribbon Coil Pinkbike review: https://www.pinkbike.com/news/mrp-ribbon-coil-fork-review.html
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