January 27, 2022
Trail EAffect Show Page
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Highland Bike Park: https://www.highlandmountain.com/
Highland Trails: https://www.highlandmountain.com/trail-building-services/about/
Highland Training and Camps: https://www.highlandmountain.com/camps-lessons/camps/overview/choose-your-camp/
Highland YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/HighlandMountainBikePark
The Foothills Foundation: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/collections/8684f506713c4b32b144dda45894fb48?item=1
Trail EAffect Show Support
Smith’s Bike Shop: https://smithsbikes.com/
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services
January 18, 2021
Trail EAffect Show Page
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Ride Kanuga: https://ridekanuga.com/
Neko’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NekoMulally/featured
Downtime Podcast Episode with Neko: https://www.downtimepodcast.com/nekobike/
Vital MTB Podcast Episode with Neko: https://www.vitalmtb.com/news/news/Neko-Mulally-Will-Race-Handmade-Alloy-DH-Frames-by-Frank-the-Welder,1407
Neko’s Sponsors and Support
Ride Kanuga: https://ridekanuga.com/
Fox Suspension: https://www.ridefox.com/subhome.php?m=bike
Fox Racing: https://www.foxracing.com/
Maxxis Tires: https://www.maxxis.com/us/tires/bicycle/mountain/
Worldwide Cyclery: https://www.worldwidecyclery.com/
Santa Cruz Reserve Rims: https://www.santacruzbicycles.com/en-US/reserve-wheels
GoPro: https://gopro.com/en/us
ODI Grips: https://www.odigrips.com/
Handup Gloves: https://handupgloves.com/
WD40 Bike Products: https://www.wd40.com/products/?category=bike
WTB Tire Sealant: https://www.wtb.com/pages/tcstiresealant
Spank Industries: https://spank-ind.com/
Factor Components: https://www.factorcomponents.com/
Kogel Bearings: https://www.kogel.cc/
Trail EAffect Show Support
Smith’s Bike Shop: https://smithsbikes.com/
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
January 12, 2022
Some people eat grains like there's no tomorrow. Some people are terrified grains will make them fat and foggy. What? Here are some grain facts, a description of the nutrients in oats, and how to make my favorite high-protein oatmeal without hardly lifting a finger.
If you want to learn to nourish your body and fuel your adventure, this show is for you. It’s laid-back, informative, actionable, and fun.
Kelli Jennings, RD is an athlete’s athlete and nutritionist. She’s been there, she consulted there, and she’s loved every minute of helping athletes (1,000’s) thrive. On trails, slopes, mountainsides, and now, waves! Let great nutrition become your secret weapon. Pull up a chair and enjoy.
Check out all of Kelli’s thing right at her site, here: https://www.apexnutritionllc.com/fuelrightblog/
Follow her podcasts at: https://apexnutritionpodcast.libsyn.com/
January 12, 2022
There is a simple yet powerful crux you need to know to set the foundation for all your nutrition options as an athlete.
It's this "crux" that will help you:
*obtain the strength to weight ratio you want
*have more energy each day
*give your body the fuel it needs in training EVEN IF trying to lose weight/fat
*lose weight without feeling a deficit in energy
*recover better
Ready? It's easy. It's simple. You can start putting it into practice TODAY!
If you want to learn to nourish your body and fuel your adventure, this show is for you. It’s laid-back, informative, actionable, and fun.
Kelli Jennings, RD is an athlete’s athlete and nutritionist. She’s been there, she consulted there, and she’s loved every minute of helping athletes (1,000’s) thrive. On trails, slopes, mountainsides, and now, waves! Let great nutrition become your secret weapon. Pull up a chair and enjoy.
Check out all of Kelli’s thing right at her site, here: https://www.apexnutritionllc.com/fuelrightblog/
Follow her podcasts at: https://apexnutritionpodcast.libsyn.com/
January 11, 2021
Trail EAffect Show Page
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Saris: https://www.saris.com/
Saris Advocacy: https://www.saris.com/advocacy
Saris Bike Parks for Kids: https://www.saris.com/advocacy/bike-parks-for-kids
A Guide to creating community bike parks: https://www.saris.com/Uploads/Saris/2021/12/Guide-to-Creating-Community-Bike-Parks.pdf
Saris Foundation Grant Application (first round due Jan 31st, 2022): https://sariscyclinggroup.wufoo.com/forms/grant-application-form/
Big Marsh: https://bigmarsh.org/
Trail EAffect Show Support
Smith’s Bike Shop: https://smithsbikes.com/
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
January 4, 2021
Trail EAffect Show Page
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Stan’s NoTubes Connection – Suggest a Connection: https://www.notubes.com/suggest-a-connection
Stan’s NoTubes: https://www.notubes.com/
Speedgoat Designs: https://speedgoat.bike/
3VO Suspension Designs on Jamis: https://www.jamisbikes.com/bikes/mountain-bikes/3vo-suspension/
Trail EAffect Show Support
Smith’s Bike Shop: https://smithsbikes.com/
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.