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Mountain Bike Radio

Mountain Bike Radio is THE voice of mountain biking. Mountain Bike Radio is a podcast network dedicated to off road cycling. Show hosts from around the United States and worldwide bring you unique programming covering all aspects of your favorite sport of mountain biking. We discuss racing, current events, and anything in the mountain biking world. From the average joe to the top pro and from short track to multiday adventures, we aim to bring the world of mountain biking to you. It's mountain bike talk from mountain bikers, for mountain bikers.
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Now displaying: January, 2015

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Jan 28, 2015

In this episode, Ben is joined by Marilyn Price, the Founding Director of Trips for Kids. They discuss Marilyn's personal history, the history of Trips for Kids, and the Trips for Kids mission, who it helps, and how to get involved. Marilyn has combined a strong passion for her mission, a strong work ethic, and many years of experience to create a unique organization that has helped thousands of kids over the years and continues to change lives.


If you have an idea for a guest or would like to be on yourself, please contact Ben at






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About Trips for Kids


Trips For Kids has 80 chapters operating in the US, Canada and Israel, opening the world of cycling to over 100,000 at-risk youth since 1988. Trips for Kids youth biking program is a non-profit, volunteer organization that provides mountain biking outings and environmental education for kids who would not otherwise be exposed to these types of activities. Using bicycles as the vehicle, our goal is to combine lessons in personal responsibility, achievement, and environmental awareness through the development of practical skills and by simply having fun.



17th Annual Meet the Mt. Bike Pioneers Fundraiser


Day: Sunday, February 8

Time: 3:00 - 6:00pm

Location: The NEW Marin Museum of Bicycling mapquest:

We're inviting all our friends to the 17th annual "Meet the Mountain Biking Pioneers". For the first time ever meet our own homegrown MTB pioneers in the new home of the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame. Join us on Sunday, February 8 from 3pm - 6pm at the Marin Museum of Bicycling 1966 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Fairfax This year's fundraising party will support Trips for Kids (TFK) and the Marin Museum of Bicycling (MMB) . We hope that you, your families, friends and co-workers will come out and enjoy the afternoon with us! 


Come meet mountain bike pioneers such as Gary Fisher, Joe Breeze, Ned Overend, Tom Ritchey, Scot Nicol, Juli Furtado, Otis Guy, Charles Kelly, Ross Shafer, Steve Potts, Chris Chance, Mert Lawwill, Rick Sutton, Mark Slate, Maurice Tierney and Dave Garoutte. 

Admission will be $5 (in advance, for museum members; $7 on day of), and $10 for non-members ($12 on day of).   Pre-Event Admission is available online , or at Re-Cyclery: 610 Fourth Street, San Rafael, CA.  Appetizers will be provided.  Long-time supporter Noah Berry, proprietor of the Broken Drum Brewery, has donated additional beer to the event that will be available for purchase. All proceeds go to support TFK and MMB.


Incredible bike-related prizes will also be raffled throughout the afternoon. The grand prize is a 2014 Jamis Dakota D29 Sport mountain bike (retail value $1050) donated by Jamis Bicycles but there will be tons of other great raffle prizes. A silent auction will include items such as a 2015 Bobcat Trail 7.4 mountain bike (retail value $750) donated by Marin Bikes.


Jan 27, 2015

In this episode, Ben is joined by Bill Fleming of 9:ZERO:7 Fatbikes. They discuss Bill's personal history in winter cycling, the history of 9:ZERO:7 and, as well as fatbikes and fatbiking in general. 


If you'd like to hear from one of the pioneers of the current fatbike industry and get some insight into what 9:ZERO:7 is all about, have a listen!


Be sure to check out the Fatbike Frozen Forty on Saturday, February 14 in Maple Grove, Minnesota! 






9:ZERO:7 Website

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Email 9:ZERO:7 -

Fatbike Frozen Forty

Snow Epic

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If you have an idea for a guest or would like to be on yourself, please contact Ben at

Jan 27, 2015

 The crew hasn't been up to much, so they spend most of the episode discussing listener questions. First they tackle Joe's question about bringing his 1998 Specialized FSR Ground Control up to date. Then they discuss dropper posts to answer Bill's question about putting a dropper post on his Revelation-equipped 2014 Trek Superfly.


Andrea is really excited about her new Industry Nine wheels - they are responsive and light without being floppy. Kenny finally has his 24 hole front Nox Composites wheel too. 


We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at






Listener Emails Sponsored by [Your Name Here] 

Joe asks about sprucing up his 1998 Specialized FSR Ground Control. [Joe gets the stickers this week]

Bill asks about putting a dropper post on his 2014 Trek Superfly.


Matt's Pissed Scale

Off the charts





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Jan 26, 2015

In this episode, get the dirt on what new land protection bills recently signed into law really mean for mountain bikers, and why it isn't as simple as gaining or losing milage. Drew discusses IMBA vs local advocacy organizations, who is doing what right, and why we need both.


Plus, if you or someone you know is in charge of trail projects or organizing work days for your group, Drew wants you to email him. Share your projects and when your work days are, and he'll share that information in future episodes.


If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at  






IMBA's Land Protection Bill news article

Read More about the host, Drew

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Jan 23, 2015

***This episode is sponsored by CarboRocket. One lucky listener will win a FREE 11-serving jug of CarboRocket Half Evil 333 All-In-One Endurance Drink!***


Like the Riding Gravel Facebook Page by the end of the day on Sunday, January 25 and you're entered to win.

Trenton Raygor is the creator and director of the increasingly popular Minnesota gravel event, The Filthy 50, joins the show. Listen in as Trenton gives you rundown of his personal cycling history before sharing the story of The Filthy 50. What makes The Filthy 50 so popular? Trenton details the road surfaces, terrain, views, and the entire experience. Listeners get a behind-the-scenes story of everything it takes to make the race happen, as well as an honest take on the current state of the gravel scene and what lies ahead for this large and growing group of cyclists.

Bonus! Listeners get the inside track on some NEW events coming down the road in Minnesota!

We hope you enjoy this episode and encourage you to share your thoughts and comments with us!

If you have any questions, comments, or have an idea for an episode, please feel free to contact us anytime!




Filthy 50 Website

Filthy 50 on Facebook

Filthy 50 on Twitter

Filthy 50 on Instagram

Email the Filthy 50

The post about free events

Miesville 56

Riding Gravel Calendar

Guitar Ted's Blog 

Interested in sponsoring an episode? Contact us.

Jan 22, 2015

Welcome to the first episode of the Out of Step Podcast. Kyle and John introduce themselves and the show, dive right into their knowledgeable music discussion, and wrap it up with some bike talk. 


Read More about the hosts, Kyle and John


We want to hear from you! Are you involved with a local mountain biking organization? We want to hear from you. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at  




Visit our blog for audio and Video clips of the bands we reviewed:

Record Reviews:


Sick Of It All - Last Act Of Defiance

Available everywhere on Century Media Records

Cult Leader - Nothing For Us Here

Available everywhere on Deathwish Records

Bands in the studio with 2015 releases pending:


Lamb Of God -


Agnostic Front -

Will Haven -

Mutoid man -

Cult Leader -


Bands on the road:


Converge -

Ultraman -

Machine Head -

Rhett Miller


Become a Mountain Bike Radio


Jan 22, 2015

Olov and Lars are back after an extended holiday break. They get caught up on what life is like in Northern Sweden. They chat about fatbiking, an upcoming race, moose, and future plans to gather people for a full fatbike gathering. 


We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at




Bay of Bothnia Fatbike Race

Bay of Bothnia Fatbike Summit

Big Livers on Instagram 

Bike Life in Swedish Lapland Website

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Lars on Twitter

Lars' Loveatwork PR

Swedish Lapland Website

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Swedish Lapland Facebook

Olov's Menswear Boutique

Learn about Lulea, Sweden

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Jan 21, 2015

Trail work, bad forks, chains, tater tots, and more. That's all you need to know. Want more? Listen. 


We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at






Listener Emails Sponsored by [Your Name Here] 

Steven asks about chains and carbon gets a really detailed answer that takes up half of the episode.


New Shit We Probably Hate

Hope cranks




KMC Chains

SRAM XX1 Chains

KMC Rust Resitant Chain

Robot Unicorn Attack

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Jan 20, 2015

James has been around long enough to see a real change in the way most riders think about skills training. When he first started riding mountain bikes almost 15 years ago, skills training wasn’t something he had ever heard of, much less considered an important thing to do. Listen in as James walks you through a lot of valuable information that you need to improve your skills on the bike today!


If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at We also have advertising opportunities available, just contact us. 




From James:


Fast forward to the end of 2014 and skills training has become extremely popular. Thousands of riders every year are attending some sort of skills training class or camp. Hundreds of thousands more are watching free skills training videos online.


Almost every serious mountain biker now recognized the importance that improving their skills on the trail can play in improving their fun and safety on the trail.


But this also means that a lot of riders are pretty frustrated with their lack of progress in that department as well. It seems that despite more riders than ever knowing “what” to do most riders I talk with still struggle to apply it consistently.


The problem is that these riders are trying to build their skills on a weak foundation. By not addressing the physical qualities needed to improve their skills they can’t get much further.


In the last part of my 5 Fundamental Elements of a Mountain Bike Training Program podcast series I explain how you can avoid this problem and avoid the frustration that comes with not being able to consistently improve your skills on the trail.


Show Notes:

  • Improving your skills can increase your speed, endurance, safety and “flow” on the trail.
  • Skills Training works on being able to apply good movement while on the bike to maintain good balance on the trail.
  • It ultimately boils down to a relationship between your center of gravity and your bikes center of gravity.
  • If you can’t move well (Flexibility), you can’t produce adequate tension (Strength), you can’t easily do it with speed and power (Speed) and you can’t fuel it (Endurance) then you won’t see much progression with your Skills Training.
  • Trouble with executing a skill is usually because you lack a fundamental movement or prerequisite skill, not because you don’t know what to do. Trying to learn how to corner before you really own your Body Position is a good example.
  • Beware of “quick fixes” or advice based on a symptom of good technique instead of focusing on the cause of good technique. “Elbows Out” and “Outside Foot Down” are good examples of focusing on symptoms instead of causes.
  • Learning how to make the mental connection between how you move in the gym and how you move on the bike is important to getting the most out of your program. This doesn’t mean that exercises have to look like what you do on the bike, though.


5 basic trail skills you need to work on:


  1. Body Position: This is your ability to achieve and maintain a strong, balanced body position on the bike with either foot forward (regular and switch-foot). It relates to your Horizontal Push and Hip Hinge movement pattern.
  2. Standing Pedaling: This is your ability to stand up and achieve a strong, balanced standing pedaling position. It is related to you Squat movement pattern.
  3. Seated Pedaling: This is your ability to achieve and maintain optimal position while sitting down to pedal. It is related to your Horizontal Push and Hip Hinge movement pattern.
  4. Manualing: This is your ability to use your hips to shift your weight back and lift from the end of your bike. It is the cornerstone skill for other skills like Bunny Hopping and Jumping. It is related to your explosive Hip Hinge movement pattern and requires excellent Body Position.
  5. Cornering: This is your ability to maintain optimal balance and position through a corner. It is related to your lateral Hip Hinge and requires excellent Body Position.


This is also the order I advise that you focus on the skills:

  1. Take 4-6 weeks and focus on one skill before moving on.
  2. Use parking lot drills to help with the basics and use Skills Focus Rides to apply it all to the trail.
  3. Use flat pedals when trying to learn a new skill or push the envelope with a current skill to push it to the next level.

You can’t learn how to do it all in a weekend, Skills Training is a lifelong pursuit that requires focus and a plan.


It is important to understand how you can improve your skill development by filling in the movement and fitness gaps that are really holding you back. And once you see how your fitness and your skills are interconnected it starts to put training into a new perspective.


A good mountain bike training program should improve your fitness and your skills. And the only way to do that is to make sure you have the 5 Fundamental Elements of a Mountain Bike Training Program covered in way that meets our needs on the trail.


With the advice you’ve gotten from this podcast and the rest of them in this series, I hope you’ll be able to better do just that.


Until next time…


Ride Strong,


James Wilson





MTB Strength Training Systems

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MTB Strength Training Systems YouTube Page

Email James Wilson

Learn How to Ride Harder, Ride Faster, and Ride Stronger

Buy the Ultimate Workout Program

Buy the Time Crunched Trail Rider Solution

Learn how two dumbbells may be all that you need!

Functional Movement Screen

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Jan 17, 2015

This is the fourth episode of a series of episodes titled "Intervals for Mountain Bikers." In this episode, Lynda discusses VO2 max intervals. You'll get the what, why, when, and how of VO2 max intervals. Use all of your interval knowledge from the previous three episodes and amp up your intervals with some hard VO2 max efforts. If you've been reading about VO2 max and trying to make sense of how it applies to you, have a listen.


Related Show Links:

LW Coaching Website

LW Coaching Facebook Page

LW Coaching Twitter

LW Coaching Forum

Email Lynda


Jan 15, 2015

"I'm not that picky about my bikes" - Matt. The JRA crew discusses riding in cold, puke and digestion issues while riding a training, 27.5+/29+, axle standards, posting on the internet, Russian dash cams, and more in between.


We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us We also have advertising opportunities available, just contact us






Listener Emails Sponsored by [Your Name Here] 

Wylie asks about 27.5 wheels.


New Shit We Probably Hate

New axle standards.




BikeRadar Article about 27.5+"

Matt and Andrea's Pisgah Stage Race Interviews

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Jan 14, 2015

Welcome to the first episode of Trail Cast! In this episode, Drew, the host, gives you an idea of who he is, what the show is, and what the show will include going forward. In future episodes, you can expect to hear all aspects of trails, including building, maintenance, advocacy, as well as some equipment discussion and interviews with those involved with the world of mountain biking. 


We want to hear from you! Are you involved with a local mountain biking organization? We want to hear from you. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at






Email Drew

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Jan 10, 2015

This episode is sponsored by CarboRocket

***One lucky listener will win a FREE 11-serving jug of CarboRocket Half Evil 333 All-In-One Endurance Drink!***


Sign up for the Riding Gravel Email List here by the end of the day on Sunday, January 11 and you're entered to win. Don't worry, if you're already on the email list, you're entered too!

We will chose a winner and announce that the morning of Monday, January 12 on the Facebook page.

The Great Gator Gravel Grinder (4G) is the southernmost gravel grinder in the United States, which takes place on Saturday and Sunday, February 21st and 22nd, 2015! On Saturday night, the 21st, there will be a night ride into the Everglades. The main event on Sunday consists of a gravel grinder with distances of 32 and 62 miles.

In this episode, Gary shares his cycling history, details about the Florida gravel riding scene, information about the 4G, and his thoughts about gravel riding and gravel bikes in general.

We hope you enjoy and encourage you to share your thoughts and comments with us!

If you have any questions, comments, or have an idea for an episode, please feel free to contact us anytime!


Download: [Episode]

Stream Episode:

Click to listen to the Radio Ranch on the Mountain Bike Radio RSS Feed


Great Gator Gravel Grinder


Interview with Epic Rides' Todd Sadow on Mountain Bike Radio

Riding Gravel Calendar

Guitar Ted's Blog 

Interested in sponsoring an episode? Contact us.

Jan 9, 2015

Kelli Jennings brings you some things to think about if you'd like to turn your New Year's resolutions into New Year's habits. Kelli has worked with 1000's clients over the years and for 2015 she has docuumented what she knows about client resolutions, goals, and habits. She offers up five tips to help you develop New Year's habits instead of the same old New Year's resolutions.

If you value what you are hearing on The Apex Nutrition Podcast, please consider improving your nutrition by buying one of Kelli's plans through our Apex Nutrition Link.


We encourage listeners to get involved by sharing your experiences, show ideas, questions and comments. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for future episodes, please contact us at


If you value what you are hearing on The Apex Nutrition Podcast, please consider improving your nutrition by buying one of Kelli's plans through our Apex Nutrition Link.


We encourage listeners to get involved by sharing your experiences, show ideas, questions and comments. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for future episodes, please contact us at







Listen to all the back Apex Nutrition Podcast episodes

Email Kelli

Apex Nutrition Website

The Fuel Right Blog

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Apex Nutrition Facebook Page

Become a Member - Members get 15% off Kelli's plans!


Jan 8, 2015

This episode is the second part of a two-part series in which the Big Livers gang asked their wives to pick out random beers for them to try. In the first part of the series, the guys tasted two beers worth a try and one that is not recommended. In this episode, they try Great Divide Brewing Co Lasso IPA, New Belgium Brewing Accumulation Ale White IPA, and Omme Gang Brewery Rare Vos Amber Ale. 


If you like what you hear from Jeff, Jonesy, and Vedders, support them and the show by heading over to The Big Livers Website and pick up some gear!


We want you to share your beer and we'll talk about it! If you are a brewer and want your beer to get some airtime, please let us know. Also, if you have an idea for an episode or have some thoughts on this one, leave a comment below or contact us.





Great Divide Brewing Co Lasso IPA

  • Jonesy -  0.5 out of 5 
  • Vedders - 0.5 out of 5
  • Jeff - 0 out of 5

New Belgium Brewing Accumulation Ale White IPA

  • Jonesy -  4 out of 5
  • Vedders - 4 out of 5
  • Jeff - 4 out of 5

Omme Gang Brewery Rare Vos Amber Ale

  • Jonesy - 1.5 out of 5
  • Vedders - 2 out of 5
  • Jeff - 2 out of 5




Great Divide Brewing Co Lasso IPA

New Belgium Brewing Accumulation Ale White IPA

Omme Gang Brewing Rare Vos Amber Ale

Big Livers Website

Contact the Big Livers guys

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Pat on Twitter

Jeff on Twitter

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Jan 8, 2015

D2 and 40 Hands are able to sit down and focus long enough to bring you an actual episode filled with (somewhat) thoughtful discussion about what they've been up to lately. What's with the Drunkcyclist Beer Map? Get a teaser of the interview in the next episode. Listen to some of the good and bad of 2014 and what's coming up for 2015. Fatbikes are mentioned and more.


Don't like what you hear? Turn it off. If you do, you may have some issues....and if you do have issues, email D2 at to thank him and shower them with beer and beer ideas.


If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at We also have advertising opportunities available, just contact us. 





Let's Make a Beer Map -

State Bicycle: Single Speed Bikes, Fixed Gear Bikes, City Bikes & more

Drunkcyclist Website

Drunkcyclist on Twitter

Drunkcyclist on Facebook

Drunkcyclist Tumblr

Email D2

Email 40 Hands

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About 40 Hands

A fan of riding bikes with one gear, malt liquor, riding without knowing how many miles I’ve covered, and strip clubs that let you bring your own keg. I typically have a stupid grin on my face, it is because deep down I know that no matter what, my mom thinks I’m cool. Denver, Colorado, USA

View all posts on Drunkcyclist by 40 Hands


About D2

I am a writer and a photographer. I never killed a man in Reno, but I once rode a bike through a casino in Vegas. Bikes are cool, huevos rancheros are for breakfast, whiskey is for dinner. Denver, Colorado, USA


Jan 7, 2015

Women listeners you should listen in quickly to find out how to win a tshirt!


Matt breaks out in tears after he gets word that his helicopter will be arriving late. The gang chats about dirtbikes and atvs. Andrea gets on her soapbox about a mountain biker suing a race director over a dangerous section of a super-D course. Listener questions and plenty more in between.


We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at We also have advertising opportunities available, just contact us






Listener Emails Sponsored by [Your Name Here] 

The Big Livers ask about hard training rides. 

Micah asks about riding on rollers.


New Shit We Probably Hate

New axle standards (more coming in future episodes).




Mountain biker sues race organizer

Pinkbike article "It's Motherf*cking Mountain Biking"

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Andrea's Sponsors:

Jan 6, 2015

Christopher Kelly of Nourish Balance Thrive joins the show to share his story and provide listeners with an understanding of how he can help. Christopher had trained and ate himself into an unhealthy life. The constant training and poor diet left him facing the choice of either medication and surgery or taking matters into his own hands and making significant changes. 


Important items to consider after listening to this episode:

1. When was the last time you were walking down the street and saw someone that you had to have sex with right then and there?!


2. How many times do you get up to pee at night?


Email us and let us know your thoughts!


If you have an idea for a guest or would like to be on yourself, please contact Ben at 





Hailing from England, Christopher graduated in 2000 with a first-class degree in Computer Science from Southampton University. From there he went on work for Yahoo! in London, and in 2003 they were kind enough to offer him the opportunity to move to San Francisco. Christopher then when on to work as a software engineer for a quantitative hedge fund.


Christopher has always loved riding, but once resident in sunny California he quickly found himself spending more and more time on the bike. Initially he enjoyed a significant improvement fitness, but as time went by, his health began to deteriorate. He continued to became extremely competitive and very sick, and now knows that the root cause of much of his decline was diet.


Christopher solved his health problems and rose through the ranks of amateur mountain biking, and last year the international governing body of cycling granted him a Pro license. He achieved this using his engineering smarts; all the information is out there, all that was required was a careful analysis of the complex arrangement of moving parts.


Now in 2014, through management of diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation Christopher has achieved a new optimal level of health and fitness. He looks forward to helping you find yours too.


Both he and his wife, Julie, are graduates of the Kalish Institute and early in 2014 he qualified as a Certified FDN Practitioner.



(Read more about Christopher and his story)




Nourish Balance Thrive offers a holistic system that integrates the latest in modern scientific testing with age-old natural health solutions for weight loss, fatigue, depression, digestive problems and hormone imbalances.


Through the implementation of simple lifestyle changes and the use of individualized, lab-based supplement programs, you will achieve your unique solution for optimal health.


(Read more about Nourish Balance Thrive)





Email Christopher

Nourish Balance Thrive Website

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Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast

Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast Episode with Lee McCormack

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Email Ben

Jan 1, 2015

MTB Strength Coach, James Wilson, is back with another piece of the five essential elements of a mountain bike training program - endurance. In this episode, he gives listeners some important information to consider when developing, improving, and maintaining endurance as it relates to mountain biking.  


If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at We also have advertising opportunities available, just contact us.






Endurance Training is by far the favorite subject of mountain bikers everywhere. No matter what they ride or where they are from, more riders want to know how to improve their endurance than just about anything else.


And for good reason. Endurance Training is the most specific of all of the physical qualities you can train and represents the pinacle of the Sports Specific Triangle. It don’t matter how much flexibility, strength or speed you have if you can’t sustain it on the trail where it matters most.


But this has also lead to a lot of confusion about Endurance Training, especially as it relates specifically to us as mountain bikers. Like I’ve pointed out before, the term “cyclist” is usually just a code word for “road riding” and no where does this matter more than when picking an Endurance Training Program.


In this new podcast I go over everything you need to know about Endurance Training for mountain biking. You’ll learn why it isn’t the same thing as cardio training, what the most valuable cardio training you can do is and some tips to help you pick the right Endurance Training program for you.


Endurance Training is the most important part of your training program but it has to be built on a solid foundation of flexibility, strength and speed. You also have to make sure you aren’t falling into the trap of doing more and more cardio instead of focusing on improving the quality of the cardio you are doing.


When you get it right, though, the right approach to Endurance Training can make a huge impact on your riding. Hopefully the info and tips in this podcast will help you find the right approach for you.


Until next time…


Ride Strong,


James Wilson




MTB Strength Training Systems

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MTB Strength Training Systems Twitter

MTB Strength Training Systems YouTube Page

Email James Wilson

Learn How to Ride Harder, Ride Faster, and Ride Stronger

Buy the Ultimate Workout Program

Buy the Time Crunched Trail Rider Solution

Learn how two dumbbells may be all that you need!

Functional Movement Screen


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