The Whiskey Off-Road - April 24-26, Prescott, Arizona
The Grand Junction Off-Road - May 29-31, Grand Junction, Colorado
*You can sponsor the next episode. Contact us! Get your group's or company's name in the ears of 1,000-2,000 downloaders who listen for 35 minutes per listen for a reasonable price!*
If you've been following along with Drew's how-to series about building trails, you've probably been waiting for this one - the actual building. Drew discusses corridor size and considerations, inslope turns and switchbacks, rock armoring, and elevated trail tread. Drew also interviews Ed Kessler, Co-Owner of Ptarmigan Ptrails. They discuss various topics about trailbuilding and give listeners some great insight into the thoughts and processes that go into building trails in various areas and situations.
If you or someone you know is in charge of trail projects or organizing work days for your group, Drew wants you to email him. Share your projects and when your work days are, and he'll share that information in future episodes.
If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at
IMBA blog about advanced "switchberm" turns
Ptarmigan Ptrails
Ptarmigan on Facebook
Single Track Trails
Professional Trail Builders Association
Iowa Whiterock Conservancy - new singletrack center
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Read More about the host, Drew
Intro music: The Perfect Parts by Shakey Graves - Provided by Epic Rides