March 10, 2016
Drew is joined by guest, Ashley Korenblat. Ashley wrote a guest editorial on titled “Say no to the Sustainable Trails Coalition” in December. Ashley is a former IMBA board president and CEO of Western Spirit Cycling Adventures in Moab, Utah. Wilderness access for mountain bikes and the stance of IMBA and the Sustainable Trails Coalition are divisive issues among mountain bikers, and are drawing a lot of attention from riders, local IMBA Chapters, and everyone involved with Wilderness Area access.
If you or someone you know is in charge of trail projects or organizing work days for your group, Drew wants you to email him. Share your projects and when your work days are, and he’ll share that information in future episodes.
If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at
Ashley’s “Guest Opinion: Say no to the Sustainable Trails Coalition”
“IMBA and the Sustainable Trails Coalition in the News”
“Former IMBA Chair Releases Scathing Letter Denouncing IMBA in Favor of the STC”
San Diego Mountain Biking Association
“Open Letter to IMBA about Wilderness, the Sustainable Trails Coalition and E-MTBS”
Read More about the host, Drew
About Ashley from the Western Spirit Cycling Website:
“Ashley Korenblat bought Western Spirit in 1997 and since then has spent many days riding unknown trails creating the plethora of trips that Western Spirit now offers. Ashley is a graduate of Dartmouth and Tuck Business School, a former bike racer, former wall street captive and possessor of entrepreneurial spirit.
She was president of Merlin during the titanium mountain bike heyday and served as the IMBA President working to sustain trail availability to everyone. Combine all that with the desire for a Moab lifestyle and an alternative view of a fulfilling career path, and you have the perfect recipe for the owner of a cycling tour company.”