January 12, 2018
Nathan, Tani, and Auk are back at their normal routine. They spend some good time geeking out on demo bikes and a possible new brand for the shop. Then they journey through Vital MTB's "What's In/What's Out Mountain Biking in 2018" and give their thoughts on what they think going into 2018. If you like bike geekery, you probably should listen in now.
The Path guys welcome all of your questions and encourage you to send them an email with the subject "Podcast Question" to podcast@thepathbikeshop.com.
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Mondraker Bikes: http://www.mondraker.com/es/en
Santa Cruz Hightower LT: https://www.santacruzbicycles.com/en-US/hightower-lt
Santa Cruz Hightower: https://www.santacruzbicycles.com/en-US/hightower
Pivot Switchblade: http://www.pivotcycles.com/bike/switchblade/
Transition Sentinel: https://www.transitionbikes.com/Bikes_Sentinel.cfm
Vital MTB's What's In/What's Out Mountain Biking in 2018: https://www.vitalmtb.com/features/Whats-In-Whats-Out-in-Mountain-Biking-2018,2161
FiveTen Shoes: http://www.fiveten.com/us
CushCore: http://www.cushcore.com/
Follow Auk on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e_auk/
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