June 29, 2018
Regular Guy Mountain Biking Show Page
Gene and Ben catch up on their recent rides and discuss different areas that they've ridden. They also chat about the different genres of riding on dirt - gravel, xc, all mountain, downhill and what they mean to them. What are the lines of xc and all mountain and what does it mean for us in the future.
Is there something you have an opinion on or what to hear on the Regular Guy Mountain Biking Show? Let us know at ben@mountainbikeradio.com.
Hungry Bear 100 - http://www.hungrybear100.org/
Teravail Sparwood 2.2 - http://teravail.com/tires/sparwood
Box Components - https://www.boxcomponents.com/custitem_itemcat_main/MTB
Wolftooth Components - https://www.wolftoothcomponents.com/
Mountain Creek - https://www.mountaincreek.com/bike-park
Wawayanda State Park - https://www.state.nj.us/dep/parksandforests/parks/wawayanda.html
Wawayanda trails - https://www.mtbproject.com/directory/8009287/wawayanda-state-park
Ringwood State Park - https://www.state.nj.us/dep/parksandforests/parks/ringwood.html
Ringwood trails - https://www.mtbproject.com/directory/8009282/ringwood-state-park
Almanzo 100 - https://www.almanzo.com/
Riding Gravel - http://ridinggravel.com/
Winona, MN trails - https://www.mtbproject.com/trail/7028586/holzinger-lodge-loop-trail
Winona Area Mountain Bikers - https://www.facebook.com/WinonaAreaMountainBikers/
Gamehaven Reserve trails - https://www.mtbproject.com/trail/7009885/gamehaven
Rochester Active Sports Club - https://www.facebook.com/RASCmtb/
SUPPORT RGMTB ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rgmtb
BE ON THE RGMTB BIKE CHECK SHOW: https://goo.gl/forms/Dp1NSg5nG46plQ003
Regular Guy Mountain Biking Meetup Group: https://www.meetup.com/Regular-Guy-Mountain-Biking-Meetup/
Need gear?- Use these links and help support RGMTB
Check out some of the kits Gene has set up for you: https://kit.com/rgmtb
WorldWide Cyclery:https://goo.gl/ac7vmJ
Pedaling Innovations - http://tinyurl.com/y7hfjk7a
Jenson USA - https://goo.gl/okK8HP
Amazon - http://amzn.to/1TAR27Q
Email: gene@rgmtb.com
Meetup Group
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