February 20, 2018
Scott Fitzgerald joins Ben to have a wide ranging discussion about Buddy Pegs, bike shops, bikes, kids, business, the future, and plenty in between. Scott brings a lot of good experience and a positive attitude to some big plans they have in the works.
They are working hard to bring something new to the cycling world, by creating an entire media company that includes a podcast and books. Scott shares his story, ups-and-downs of getting it all done, and some good thoughts on where it all could go. We hope you listen and feel good about the future of kids on bikes.
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Scott and Jannine Fitzgerald have a passion for steep adventure. Sometimes the adventure is on a bike, skis, or snowboard, but every day they seek it in their work.
Steep adventure is all about trying something new, pushing beyond your comfort zone, and realizing the rewards of taking reasonable risks in life.
In 2002, Scott and Jannine started a one-man bicycle repair shop in Jackson Hole, WY, and grew it into a Top 50 US bicycle retailer. While running Fitzgerald’s Bicycles, they saw the positive impacts bicycles have on people of all ages, and communities as a whole.
In 2015, they sold their bicycle shop to embark on a new steep adventure to inspire families across the country through children’s media and Buddy Pegs was born!
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Buddy Pegs website: https://buddypegs.com/
Buddy Pegs podcast: https://buddypegs.com/blogs/podcast
Order Take the Lead: https://buddypegs.com/collections/books/products/buddy-pegs-taking-the-lead-pre-order-delivering-october-2017
Buy the B Is For Bicycles book: https://buddypegs.com/collections/books/products/b-is-for-bicycles
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Buddy Pegs on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bisforbicycles
Buddy Pegs on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCpYz7PLLRkLc4VgpCJs7lw
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