December 3, 2019
*WARNING* If you are offended easily, you may want to find another podcast. Also, all companies who are mentioned and offended as a result may or may not be real or named as such.
Kenny's dropping money on ti bits, Matt spent some time out in Fruita doing things he hasn't done yet, and Andrea went to Denver to get a bike fit with Natalie at Pedal Fit. Matt forgot his clothes and oddly gives you a lot of details about that, plus he tried out the SB130. Listen for his dropper opinion too.
– John from Texas has bad habits and has slipping brakes
- Anthony has done some upgrades and has a hub question and rim tape question
If you would like to ask a question, please send an email title JRA Question to
– $25 from John C in Austin
- $50 from Anthony in Florida
- $10 from Anonymous
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