September 3, 2018
The show starts off with a long winded discussion about what is a cocktail, what is a mixed drink, and the robot uprising begins. Tune in to hear the difference between them and how The More You Know thing maybe worked (probably not).
-Brian Clark of Connecticut gave $25
-Jackson Payer of Georgia gave $100 with note: “Dear Matt Andrea and Kenny, My buddy introduced me to Mountain Bike Radio this spring on a bike trip. I have listened to all of your episodes this year and am slowly working my way back. Your show is by far my favorite on MBR. Matt your rants are great. I love the fact that the show is completely extemporaneous. Anyone that knows me, knows that I love a great rant. While slightly crude at times, it comes across clearly that you are all really a good ethical solid bunch. I am currently stuck in South East Georgia with lots of flat sand. But we are within a few hours of great riding. I currently ride a Kona Unit, 2x10, with a Fox 32, Velocity Blunt 35s, Hope hubs and BB, and just ordered a PNW dropper, because I know you all approve of droppers on hardtails. Those details are totally irrelevant to my question, but I would get a boner if my email got read on MBR, so I had to put the bike in there haha. If I didn’t mention it already - I fucking love the show. I have learned a ton from it, and I will listen as long as you two keep it rolling. A while back you bashed Squirt. I had a question about that and wanted to write you about it, and then last episode you said you had a squirt email, but it never got read. I want the low down on why you all hate squirt and also thinks this sort of segways into my one criticism – granted I don’t think you should change anything – but I think it’s worth saying anyhow. Things can be very trail specific. Just because something totally sucks in one area, don’t mean it’s always the worst option. That said, if the show didn’t have unadulterated bashing I would suspect you all sold out to some major corporation. So squirt. I ride in the sand and every chain lube under the sun picks up a ton of it and wears my chain to shit in seconds. Squirt applied correctly and allowed to dry, doesn’t pick up any grit. While it may not be the best lube under the sun, it does keep my chain from squeaking. I understand for something like tour divide, or wet conditions, were you need to apply and ride, squirt doesn’t work for shit, and that seemed to be the context you mentioned it in. But I love the stuff for sandy conditions. Ok rant away. I want to know why I am full of shit about squirt. Technical details please! -Jackson with the orange unit”
-Mark Vail of Colorado gave $10
-John Gulledge of Colorado gave $50 with note: “Hey Matt, "What did the one Les say to the other.." Great to race with you at Silver Rush and see you at the Leadville 100.”
- Rob has questions about geometry on hardtails, has anything changed?
-Bean from Texas has question about building a new Epic.
- Timothy from Australia has some info on beer down under.
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