March 24, 2016
Andrea and Matt share a rant about bike shops and customers who are angry. They then answer a lot of listener questions - what type of lube for hubs, what gearing options for Pisgah,
A huge thanks to all of this week's show supporters! If you would like to support the show, CLICK HERE.
- Anthony Sellitti from Florida gave $25
We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the next episode, contact us at
Questions answered by the crew in this episode:
– Kyle from West Virginia asks about Dumonde Tech oil in I9 hubs
– Joe from Indiana has been listening to JRA's words of wisdom
– Anthony from Florida asks about gearing on his 1x setup
– Eric from the Internet asks about shoes - what's the difference in price ranges and he has wide feet
– Bud follows up on some previous questions
– Brady from Wisconsin is wondering how to get his friend on gravel roads
– Nathan is asking about a Fuel EX
– Stephen from Colorado needs advice on 1x setups
If you have any comments or questions for the Just Riding Along show, email to
[cherry_icon icon="icon: fa fa-thumbs-o-down" size="35" align="none" color="#000000"] Spending a lot of money on 1x setups when you probably should just spend it on a 2x setup.
If you come across anything new in the news that you think is worthy of being really good or really bad, let us know. Email it to
Thanks, the JRA Team
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