April 30, 2018
Duluth/MN North Shore Special Show Page
Brad Nelson - Director of Brands at Earth Rider Brewery (Earthrider.beer)
Brad Nelson enjoys his brand manager role at Earth Rider. He took some time to share his story and the story of Earth Rider Brewery. Brad discusses cross country skiing, Earth Rider beers, his alternative newspaper called The Ripsaw, and more.
Earth Rider Brewery: https://earthrider.beer/
Earth Rider on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EarthRiderBeer
Earth Rider on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/earthriderbeer/
Earth Rider on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EarthRiderBeer
What is the Duluth/MN North Shore Special?
Ben headed north to meet new people and bring something different to you. He met up with breweries, and distillery, and a bike shop and sat down to gather some audio for you. Scroll through below and have a listen.
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