June 26, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Visit White Pine County: http://elynevada.net/
Ely NV Mountain Biking: http://elynevada.net/project/mountainbiking/
BETA MTB YouTube Video on Ely / White Pine Co: https://youtu.be/5i7oZsuI-wk
Trailforks Mapping for Ely: https://www.trailforks.com/region/ely/
Great Basin Trails Alliance: https://www.facebook.com/GreatBasinTrailsAlliance/
IMBA Trail Accelerator Grant: https://www.imba.com/trails-for-all/trail-accelerator-grants
Loneliest Road in America: https://loneliestroad.us/loneliest-road/
Nevada Northern Railway: https://nnry.com/
Trail EAffect Show Support
Smith’s Bike Shop: https://smithsbikes.com/
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
June 14, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Brave Lace: https://bravelace.com/
ORA Trails Lacey Adaptive Mountain Bike Video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0lln8vXmhZc
Move United: https://www.moveunitedsport.org/
Teton Adaptive Sports: https://tetonadaptivesports.com/
Team SISU Dog Sledding: https://www.dogtec.com/kennel/benjamin-thompson
IMBA Trail Accelerator Grant: https://www.imba.com/trails-for-all/trail-accelerator-grants
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Smith’s Bike Shop: https://smithsbikes.com/
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
June 7, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Jeff Kendall-Weed Website: https://jeffkendallweed.com/
Jenson USA JKW: https://www.jensonusa.com/blog/rider-profile-JKW
Jenson USA: https://www.jensonusa.com/Jeff-Kendall-Weed
Jeff Kendall-Weed on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jeffkendallweed
PNW Components: https://www.pnwcomponents.com/
Industry Nine: https://industrynine.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Smith’s Bike Shop: https://smithsbikes.com/
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
May 29, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Timber Bell: https://www.mtbbell.com/
San Diego Mountain Biking Association: https://www.sdmba.com/
Mountain Biking in Cappadocia Turkey: http://www.bikinginturkey.com/mountain-biking-holidays/cappadocia-mtb/
GoPro Video of Cappadocia Turkey: https://youtu.be/fFA6G8ovxPk
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
May 18, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts: https://more-mtb.org/
M.O.R.E. Rivers Edge Trail System: https://more-mtb.org/collections/maryland-trails/products/rivers-edge-at-brunswick
Trailforks Mapping: https://www.trailforks.com/region/rivers-edge-trails/
Patagonia Story on Rivers Edge Trail System: https://www.patagonia.com/stories/at-the-rivers-edge/story-94306.html
Three Points Cycles: https://www.threepointscycles.com/
Maryland NICA League: https://marylandmtb.org/
Greenstone Trail Craft: https://greenstonetrailcraft.com/
Brunswick Welcomes Mountain Bikers: https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/lifestyle/travel_and_outdoors/brunswick-welcomes-new-biking-trails-for-tourists-and-residents/article_d14fe3e1-35d2-5dc5-a300-8e43ffc0e8f4.html
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
May 11, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Sketchy Trails: https://www.sketchytrails.com/
Kristina Wayte Commercial Work: https://www.kristinawayte.com/
Last Day of Summer Movie: https://www.kristinawayte.com/film.html
Trail Tips Educational Series: https://www.santacruzmah.org/blog/mbosc-trail-tips
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
April 28, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Brooks Mountain Bike Adventures: https://brooksadventures.com/
Wisconsin NICA League: http://www.wisconsinmtb.org/
Kenosha Area Mountain Bike Association: https://kamba.org/
Trek Dirt Series: https://www.dirtseries.com/
Zion Cyclery: https://www.zioncyclery.com/
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
April 17, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Radical Roots MTB: https://www.radicalrootsmtb.com/
Transition Characters Angi Weston: https://www.pinkbike.com/video/485680/
Angi Weston Radical Roots YouTube: https://youtu.be/LdP5kv87WuA
Radical Rippers: https://www.radicalrootsmtb.com/radical-rippers
Flying Squirrels / Radical Rippers Transition YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0jf2KgLXxY
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
April 5, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Jeff Lenosky YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEP-XJQ983V8_3XpKU_-pRQ
REEB Cycles: https://reebcycles.com/
Shimano: https://bike.shimano.com/en-EU/components/mtb.html
Orange Seal: https://orangeseal.com/
Pearl iZUMi: https://www.pearlizumi.com/US/en/
Can’d Aid: https://candaid.org/
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
March 15, 2021
Topics Covered in this Episode:
Copper Harbor Trails Club: https://copperharbortrails.org/
Keweenaw Adventure Company: https://www.keweenawadventure.com/
Keweenaw Outdoor Recreation Coalition: https://www.keweenawoutdoorrecreation.org/
Sign Up to Expand Public Access in the Keweenaw Peninsula: https://www.keweenawoutdoorrecreation.org/keweenaw-tip-recreation-area
If You would like to enquire about purchasing the Keweenaw Adventure Company please contact Sam at: keweenawadventurecompany@gmail.com
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
February 17, 2021
The Tillamook Off Road Trail Alliance (TORTA) is a relatively new trail organization located on the Pacific Coast in Tillamook County, Oregon. TORTA has the ambitious goal of building 29 miles of trails, known as the Buzzard Butte Trail Network in the Siuslaw National Forest. On this episode we have Ron Baker (TORTA Board Member), Derek Kidd (Norco Bikes) and Pat Corran (Former Portland Resident) to discuss all things related to TORTA and this region. There is also a fundraiser to help fund the building of these trails. Go to www.tortamtb.com to buy Stickers & enter for a chance to win a handful of great prizes including a complete Norco Bike. Go Buy Stickers and Support Trails!
Topics in the show include:
TORTA: https://www.tortamtb.com/
Current Fund Raiser: https://www.tortamtb.com/fundraiser
Norco Bikes: https://www.norco.com/
Promotional Video for the Fundraiser: https://www.pinkbike.com/news/support-oregons-newest-trail-system-and-you-could-win-a-norco-sight.html
A peak into the private jumps and trails in the region: https://www.pinkbike.com/news/video-carson-storch-and-pro-skier-lucas-wachs-ride-a-fresh-freeride-trail.html
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
February 4, 2021
Skye is a unique chartier who brings a broad background of riding and trails into this episode.
Topics in the show include:
From Slide to Ride the Movie about how Mountain Bike Trails are helping to rebuild a community: https://youtu.be/yPiOfl-DJ3s
Transition Bicycle Company https://www.transitionbikes.com/
Transition Bicycle Company YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHxzkw-b-M0rk0cuysLcHRQ/playlists
Whatcom Mountain Bike Coalition: https://www.wmbcmtb.org/
Glacier Peak Institute: https://www.glacierpeakinstitute.org/
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
February 4, 2021
Brice has been telling stories for close to a decade. He has a broad list of topics and areas that he’s been fortunate enough to tell stories about. You can find Brice’s work on Pinkbike, the PEARL iZUMi Blog and Youtube channel, Pivot Cycles, Maxxis Tires, and other various locations. Much of Brice’s work focus’ on Trails and Trail Communities.
Topics in the show include:
Brice on the PEARL iZUMi Blog: https://blog.pearlizumi.com/author/bshirbach/
Pivot Cycles: https://www.pivotcycles.com/en/rider/brice-shirbach/
Brice on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bricycles
Brice on Pinkbike: https://www.pinkbike.com/u/briceshirbach/
Local Flavors Playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQCfPUTFFOklAs6WbRHe-zNZk5N2UcbPL
Sight Unseen Pivot YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INmDb_uE9Sc&list=PLeVlSD-XKFgplOp5-28fkRmyTp4eB2xbj
Maxxis Tires on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9EC2266B5439E50
PEARL iZUMi Under Exposed on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFWxBXKySBc&list=PLfV0ucaxuYA4cd1Zhb5BJwn4GYHYwpRGE
Snowshoe Mountain Video:https://youtu.be/5Tn4sJgPI_U
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
January 28, 2021
Santa Cruz first caught my attention years ago through their involvement with the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship, and the other events they have been involved with that also included an aspect of trail work. Then in November of 2019 Santa Cruz rolled out the “Paydirt Fund”. This really caught my attention and I’m sure others as well. After all, how many companies are giving out One Million Dollars over 3 years with no geographical limitations, and very few other limitations?
This brought me to Katie Zaffke who is the Paydirt Fund Program Coordinator. This is one of the most inspiring interviews I had the opportunity to take part in yet. Tune in to learn more about the Santa Cruz and the Paydirt fund.
Topics in the show include:
Santa Cruz: https://www.santacruzbicycles.com
Santa Cruz Paydirt Fund: https://www.santacruzbicycles.com/en-US/paydirt
Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship: https://sierratrails.org/
Ridgeline (Northern Italy): https://www.ridgeline.bike/
Grow Cycle Foundation:https://growcyclingfoundation.org/
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
January 20, 2021
PEARL iZUMi has caught my attention as a company that is making great strides in telling stories about people and communities. They have a series called “Underexposed” high lighting communities that people may not associate mountain biking with right away and bringing attention to the. PEARL iZUMi also has a “Dig Series” where they highlight communities that are using trails and mountain biking to revitalize their economy.
In this show we speak with Joshua Lawton both a content creator and story teller for PEARL iZUMi. Joshua came to PEARL iZUMi from IMBA where he brought both the background and understanding trails and the advocacy that goes into creating trails doesn’t always get the attention they deserve.
Topics in the show include:
PEARL iZUMi: https://www.pearlizumi.com/
PEARL iZUMi Blog: https://blog.pearlizumi.com/
PEARL iZUMi Under Exposed Series on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfV0ucaxuYA4cd1Zhb5BJwn4GYHYwpRGE
PEARL iZUMi Dig Series on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfV0ucaxuYA5kLIqHBeL_pBg6X60hL_8D
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
January 13, 2020
Rich and Rob Drew are Skills Coaches, Industry Insiders, and Enduro Racers.
Topics in the show include:
The Ride Series: https://www.therideseriesmtb.com/
Rich Drew YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRebP4wYkzzYvKCC7ej4k_g
Rob Drew YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKWtVyH7Cxu7NKkiZWpLcQ
Rich Drew Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therichdrew/?hl=en
Rob Drew Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therobdrew/?hl=en
Big Mountain Enduro: https://www.bigmountainenduro.com/
Shepard Mtn Bike Park: https://www.visitarcadiavalley.info/mtbpark
Jagged Axe Trail Designs: https://www.jaggedaxetraildesigns.com/
Rich Drew Interview / Bentonville Series on Driftless Dirt: http://theoutdoorroute.com/listen/driftless-dirt/bentonville/
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
January 4, 2020
Josh gets together with Mark Scotch from Wisconsin to discuss something a little different. Mark is a mountain biker, ultra endurance athlete and kidney donor. He shares his story of his awesome and selfless story.
Topics in the show include:
Organ Trail: https://theorgantrailhm.wordpress.com/
Organ Trail Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hughsmithmarkscotch/
National Kidney Registry: https://www.kidneyregistry.org/index.php
Ned Brooks – Kidney to Kidney (Marks Transplant Dr): https://www.donortodonor.com/ned-brooks
Kidney Donor Athletes: https://kidneydonorathlete.org/
Kidney Donor Athlete Story Mark Scotch: https://kidneydonorathlete.org/category/mark-ss-story/
Email Mark Scotch: mkscotch@gmail.com
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
December 28, 2020
While Braydon Bringhurst may be a “newer” Mountain Biker, he’s a force within his community and the Instagram Community. Braydon is seriously talented both on the bike and as a video editor and producer. Braydon also films all of his riding with his wife.
Topics in the show include:
Raffle for Boise: https://swimba.rallyup.com/strive4community
BikerBrayd on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bikerbrayd/
Transend: https://youtu.be/LgIKxhxcS4s
The Whole Shebang: https://youtu.be/oVIU5nuoqCU
Interpret: https://youtu.be/HUFWct7SSfQ
Solstice: https://youtu.be/FI2wi421Tbk
Canyon Bicycle Co: https://www.canyon.com/en-us
Zipp 3 Zero Moto Wheels: https://www.sram.com/en/zipp/mountain/series/3zero-moto
Sram: https://www.sram.com/en/sram
Smith: https://www.smithoptics.com/en_US/home
Patagonia: https://www.patagonia.com/home/
Deity Components: https://www.deitycomponents.com/
Maxxis Tires: https://www.maxxis.com/tires/bicycle/mountain
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
December 21, 2020
Tony Boone is one of the longest running Professional Trail Builders on the planet. Tony has seen and done nearly everything in terms of trail building and design. Trail Building has taken Tony around the world. Tony is also a board member of the Professional Trail Building Association, member of the Educational Committee within the PTBA and he’s currently building out a trail building curriculum for and Associates Degree in Applied Science / Trail Construction and Management at Trinidad State Junior College.
Topics in the show include:
Tony Boone Trails: https://www.tonyboonetrails.com/
Tony Boone Professional Trail Builders Association: https://trailbuilders.silkstart.com/companies/tony-boone-trails-llc
Tony Boone on American Trails: https://www.americantrails.org/presenters-and-authors/tony-boone
Tony Boone on Timberline Trailcraft: https://www.timberlinetrailcraft.com/employees/tony-boone/
Manitou Incline Video: https://youtu.be/QcOa5ca7oNs
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
December 15, 2020
In 2018, ORA Trails, in partnership with the City of La Crosse Parks, was awarded an IMBA Trail Accelerator Grant, that provided planning services for a 5.5-mile trail system within Grandad Bluff Park in the City of La Crosse, Wisconsin. The goal was to provide trails in an underutilized park that had rogue and social use issues. Aside from a great view from this bluff, there were no other recreational amenities offered. Now the system has been completed and legalized. We discuss the timeline of how this played out.
Topics covered in this episode:
Driftless Dirt Podcast Episode Two with Jed Olson: http://theoutdoorroute.com/listen/driftless-dirt/jed-olson-of-velocity-projects/
The Outdoor Recreation Alliance of the 7 Rivers Region: www.oratrails.org
Velo-City Projects: https://www.velo-cityprojects.com/
IMBA Trail Accelerator Grant: https://www.imba.com/trails-for-all/trail-accelerator-grants
The Gateway Project (renamed from Grandma’s Gateway): https://www.imba.com/blog/keeping-grandmas-dream-alive-la-crosse-wisconsin
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
December 7, 2020
Josh sits down with David Wright who is the Director of Parks and Recreation in Bentonville, Arkansas. This is a particularly important and informative interview as Bentonville has an amazing parks system which also includes extensive hard surface and natural surface trails. Warning – Positive Community Development and Public Open Spaces ahead. Everything from Trails to Cricket is discussed. This interview is hands down the most impactful positive interview on Driftless Dirt to date and we hope you enjoy listening.
Topics covered in this episode:
Bentonville Parks and Recreation: https://www.bentonvillear.com/350/Parks-Recreation
Bentonville Inclusive Playground: https://www.nwaonline.com/news/2019/oct/20/bentonville-breaks-barriers-with-inclus/
Razorback Greenway: http://www.nwatrails.org/trail/razorback-regional-greenway/
Walton Foundation / People For Bike Study: https://www.waltonfamilyfoundation.org/learning/flash-cards/trails-and-cycling-in-northwest-arkansas
OZ Trails: https://oztrailsnwa.com/
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
November 27, 2020
Welcome to “Episode 10” of the new show, Trail Eaffect. Josh is joined by Mike Repyak – IMBA Trail Solution Director of Planning, Patrick Kell – IMBA Grant Manager, and Ann Freiwald – City of Madison Parks Division Development Manager.
Topics covered in this episode:
International Mountain Bicycling Association: https://www.imba.com/
IMBA Trail Solutions: https://www.imba.com/explore-imba/trail-creation-and-enhancement/trail-solutions?param=trail-solutions-project
IMBA Trail Labs: https://www.imba.com/trails-for-all/trail-labs
Bean Peaks Gravity Trail Project Prescott, AZ: https://prescottmtb.com/prescott-gravity-flow-trail/
Madison Bicycle Adventure Trail Network: https://www.cityofmadison.com/parks/projects/madison-bicycle-adventure-trail-network
Mad Bat ArcGIS Story: https://imba.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=39513e34d0034bc19cf057a591001244
Support for Trail EAffect Comes from Smith’s Bike Shop in La Crosse, WI: https://smithsbikes.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
November 5, 2020
Welcome to "Episode 9" of the new show, Trail Eaffect. Josh is joined by Jonas Sublett and John DeGeorge. Jonas and John are local to Josh and bring some really great stories and experiences of "normal guys." They chat about their start in mountain biking and then how they got into learning wheelies and manuals. It's a great listen if you can't always relate to the biggest, most famous people out there!
Topics covered in this episode:
Ryan Leech Connection Online Mountain Bike Skills: https://www.ryanleech.com/
Arkansas Enduro Series: https://www.arkansasenduroseries.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
October 28, 2020
Welcome to "Episode 8" of the new show, Trail Eaffect. Josh is joined by bicycle industry veteran Joe Vadeboncoeur. Joe shares his history in the bike industry, his role with the Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Association (CAMBA), and trail organizations . Joe is a motivated guy with some great experience, so you get some great perspective of what's happening within CAMBA, the community, and more.
Topics covered in this episode:
CAMBA Trails: https://cambatrails.org/
Goodheart Solutions: https://goodheartsolutions.com/
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.
October 21, 2020
Welcome to “Episode 7” of the new show, Trail Eaffect. Josh is joined by Todd Poquette, the Director of Adventure at 906 Adventure Team. Todd doesn’t shy award from obstacles. He’s become a force for change in peoples’ lives, both in the local-to-him Marquette, Michigan community and the outside community. They chat about the organization, events, youth, and more.
Topics covered in this episode:
906 Adventure Team: https://906adventureteam.com/
Marji Gesick: https://marjigesick.com/
Crusher: https://crushergravel.com/
Polar Roll: https://thepolarroll.com/
Marji Gesick Video: https://youtu.be/4LHU_tuXrbQ
Freedom Machine Video – If this doesn’t inspire you, I don’t know what will: https://vimeo.com/358645093
This show has been edited and produced by Evolution Trail Services, for more information go to:
Evolution Trail Services: www.evotrails.com
Contact Josh at evolutiontrails@gmail.com
If you have any questions about Mountain Bike Radio in general, please contact Ben at Ben@Mountainbikeradio.com
Trails build community and Communities build trails. What came first you may ask… Host Josh Blum digs into the stories of how trails effect and affect the people and places we call home and those we might like to call home.
Josh Blum is a father, husband, and doer of stuff - paired with Advocate, Builder of Trails and Community. Originally from La Crosse WI, Josh has been enjoying the outdoors, trails, and mountain bikes since a young age. Always curious and learning about better ways to improve trail users’ experiences. Josh is employed by WisDOT, and is the owner / operator of Evolution Trail Services.